Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Welcome Back to the Prairie

Welcome to the 2021-22 school year here at BPE.  I look forward to  seeing our returning students and meeting our "New Wildcats" as we return to campus on August 18, 2021.  Be on the lookout for campus communication about Back To School Night and Kinder Kamp.  These are great events to have a kick-off before the first day of school!

With a new year ahead, I look forward to working with our students, parents, staff and community to build on our campus vision and mission...

Vision- Greatness

Mission- We Inspire and Empower Learners of All Ages

COVID 2021-22

As we go into this year with a new view on how school operates (post-COVID) protocols, we know that the only thing constant in life is change.  Know that we put our campus safety a priority for all who walk into the building.  We will be adhering to our district's guidelines for elementary schools.  As a need arises and changes are made, please know that we will focus on our top two priorities, safety and the education of our students.

Universal Screeners

RRISD has adopted new testing for this upcoming school year, mClass.  As we gain more guidance, we will share with our parents how the assessment will help all our learners succeed here on the Prairie.

Safety Drills

During the course of the school year, students and staff will take part in fire, bad weather, and intruder drills.  The goal is to have our campus comfortable with potential concerns on campus and have the ability to make quick and sound decisions in the middle of the event.

We conduct our drills during the school day, and have teachers review with students ahead of time to know what the procedures are with the different types of events.  This allows for students/staff to feel comfortable and confident with their decision making.

Final Thoughts

As we prepare for the year to start, remember to keep balance in your life.  I want to leave you with a quote from Dr. Covey on priorities...

"The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities."

I am looking forward to making "GREATNESS" happen here on the Prairie with you.

Your Biggest Fan,

Mr. Fleming

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