Thursday, August 22, 2013

Back to School Safety Tips

Before I share my information about school safety tips, I would like to say to all my families and colleagues how amazing our Back to School Night was tonight.  There were so many smiling faces (I think parents had the most grins) at our campus that it was contagious.  That energy and enthusiasm was at record levels.
My entry tonight is about driver safety.  Our campus only has walkers, car riders or daycare to transport to and from school.  I am sharing content from an e-mail that I received about local law enforcement in Austin.  These are some tips that would benefit all in our community so that we have a safe and productive entry and dismissal process for all here at BPE.

Your Biggest Fan,

Mr. Fleming

Following content comes from Austin PD Department.  I want credit to go where credit is due.

Austin PD (Police Department)spacerpolice logo

Citizen Alert


APD to start Back to School Initiative Monday

On Monday, August 26, 2013, the beginning of a new school year for Austin area children starts. With over 97,000 children enrolled in Austin public and private schools, the Austin Police Department will conduct a Back to School traffic safety initiative Monday, August 26, 2013 through Friday, September 6, 2013. This will be the first of multiple school zone traffic safety initiatives that will continue throughout the school year.
The focus of this initiative will be on the safety of children and neighborhoods. These efforts will help provide a safe environment where children and parents can feel confident that they can travel to and from school in a safe manner.
During this initiative, officers will be focusing their enforcement efforts in Austin school zones; looking for drivers committing the following violations:
  • Speeding in school zones
  • Using wireless communication devices; including the use of any cell phone, with the exception of “hands-free,” for making calls, texting, emailing or messaging
  • Disregarding school crossing guards
  • Failing to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks
  • Passing school buses while loading and unloading
  • Following too closely or any other aggressive driving behavior that may endanger children or parents
The Austin Police Department would like to remind drivers to:
  • Provide yourself with extra time when leaving to work or coming home in the afternoon. The beginning of the new school year always means more vehicles and pedestrians traveling on our roadways.
  • Buckle Up! Please make sure you and your children wear seatbelts whenever traveling in a vehicle. Remember, child passenger safety seats are required for children under eight years old or less than 4’9” tall. 
  • Put down that cell phone! In addition to the City’s ban on texting, the State of Texas prohibits the use of any wireless communication device while in a school zone unless the vehicle is stopped or unless you are using a “hands-free” device. 
  • Slow down and take the time to look again at intersections or anywhere children and parents are walking to and from school. Whether on foot, bike or bus, we want everyone to Arrive Alive!